Advent of Code 2024


Just a short one today to plug Advent of Code 2024. For the uninitiated, Advent of Code is an annual coding competition that's available free to anyone who wants to take a crack at it.

Signing up

There's no special sign-up process. Just head to the login page to authenticate through OAuth. Use your existing GitHub profile and you're all set.

Do coding puzzles in any language

One nice thing about Advent of Code is that you're able to pick your poison. Like LeetCode, the focus is on solving interesting small problems as opposed to using it to learn a particular language.

That being said, I'm going to try it in Rust this year for learning purposes. Pray for me.

Shout out to Eric Wastl

Advent of Code is run by Eric Wastl who is doing the programming community an enormous solid by giving us this gathering place every year.